Thursday, September 5, 2024

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The 911 Museum In New York City

Wie Kann Man Tickets Fr Das 9/11 Museum Kaufen

National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City

Wählen Sie oben die Zeit und das Datum aus, an dem Sie Ihre 9/11 Tickets buchen möchten. Nach der Buchung erhalten Sie per E-Mail Ihre E-Tickets, mit denen Sie das Museum zum jeweiligen Datum und Zeitpunkt Ihrer Wahl betreten können. Sie können die E-Tickets ausdrucken oder auf Ihrem Smartphone vorzeigen. Da Sie bereits Ihre Tickets haben, können Sie die Warteschlange für Tickets beim Museum überspringen, was Ihnen viel Zeit ersparen wird! Die Eintrittszeit ist festgelegt, aber Sie können so lange im Museum bleiben, wie Sie möchten. Da Sie die E-Tickets nicht ausdrucken müssen, können Sie die Tickets auch buchen, wenn Sie bereits in New York sind. Sogar am Abend bevor Sie das Museum besuchen wollen! Wenn Sie sich bezüglich der Eintrittszeit nicht sicher sind, haben Sie auch die Möglichkeit ein flexibles Ticket zu buchen.

COVID-19 update: Aufgrund der Pandemie, gibt es nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Tickets für das 9/11 Museum und diese sind oft schon eine Woche im Voraus ausverkauft. Wenn Sie das Museum besuchen möchten, sollten Sie hier Ihre Tickets rechtzeitig kaufen, bevor Sie nach New York reisen. Die Tickets können kostenlos storniert werden.

Hoe Koop Ik 9/11 Museum Tickets

Koop 9/11 tickets via bovenstaande link en selecteer uw gewenste tijdstip. Nadat u de tickets heeft besteld, ontvangt u direct een digitale voucher per e-mail. Met deze voucher kunt u naar het museum gaan op de aangegeven datum en het tijdstip dat u heeft gekozen. U kunt de voucher printen of als mobiel ticket op uw smartphone laten zien. Omdat u al een ticket heeft, kunt de ticketrij bij het museum overslaan en een hoop tijd besparen! De toegangstijd staat vast, maar u kunt zo lang in het museum blijven als u zelf wilt. Omdat u de voucher niet hoeft te printen, kunt u de tickets ook nog bestellen als u al in New York bent. Zelfs nog de avond van tevoren! Bent u nog niet zeker van het tijdstip waarop u het museum wilt bezoeken? Kies dan voor de ticketoptie met een flexibele toegangstijd.

COVID-19 update: Vanwege de pandemie is er een beperkt aantal 9/11 Museum tickets beschikbaar en deze zijn al vaak een week van tevoren uitverkocht. Om het museum te bezoeken, zorg dat u ruim voordat u naar New York gaat uw tickets hier koopt. Tickets kunnen kosteloos geannuleerd worden.

Ausstellungen Im 9/11 Museum

Es gibt zwei Ausstellungen im 9/11 Museum. Beide Ausstellungen veranschaulichen anhand von Fernsehbildern, Fotos, Dokumenten aus Pressearchiven und Objekten die Geschichte des 9/11. Die Historische Ausstellung befasst sich mit dem genauen Zeitablauf des 11. September 2001. Die Ausstellung ist chronologisch aufgebaut und beginnt mit dem Morgen des 11. September und zeigt die Entwicklung des Tages.

In der Memorial Exhibition wird den Opfern gedacht. Sie finden hier die Wall of Faces , an der Fotos aller Opfer zu sehen sind. Zu jedem einzelnen Foto gibt es Informationen zu der Person. Dieses Archiv wurde von den Angehörigen geschaffen.

  • Montag: 10:00 17:00 Uhr, letzter Einlass um 15:30 Uhr
  • Dienstag & Mittwoch: geschlossen
  • Donnerstag Sonntag: 10:00 17:00 Uhr, letzter Einlass um 15:30 Uhr
  • Am 11. September für die Öffentlichkeit geschlossen
  • Adresse: Das Museum befindet sich auf dem Gelände vom 9/11 Memorial. Die nächstgelegenen U-Bahnhöfe sind die von U-Bahnlinie E , R und den U-Bahnlinien J, A, C, 2, 3, 4 und 5 .
  • Bitte beachten Sie: Sie können das 9/11 Memorial besuchen, ohne ins Museum zu gehen. Der Besuch vom 9/11 Memorial ist gratis.
  • Hinweis: Freier Eintritt mit dem New York Pass und dem New York Sightseeing Flex Pass

    Erics Tipp:

    Neben dem 9/11 Museum gibt es viele weitere top New York Museen zu besuchen.

    Wie lange dauert es, durch das 9/11 Museum zu gehen?

    Benötigen Sie Tickets für das 9/11 Museum im Vorverkauf?

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    Message From Gary Marlon Suson Museum Founder

    The 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop opened September 7, 2005 in New York Citys Meatpacking District. Many people came together to help create the most realistic account of the Ground Zero Recovery Period ever created. 9/11 Family members, members of the FDNY, first responders, sound studios, foreign language voiceover specialists and experts in the field of graphics and technology all believed in what our vision was and came together to bring the private world of inside Ground Zero to life for you. Our kid-friendly, non-graphic Museum has become parents choice for educating their young ones about this world event.

    In 2013 & 2014 we were very honored to win Trip Advisors Traveler’s Choice Awards from the millions of members of the Trip Advisor review community. Having a 5-star review average from the tourism community for 9 consecutive years is a testament that we have been able to accomplish our educational goals and affect our visitors in a positive way. Furthermore, being included in Trip Advisor’s Top 25 Museums in the USA list for 2013 & 2014 was indeed an honor. As one of only three New York City Museums to make this coveted list – which included the Frick and the Metropolitan Museum of Art – we were motivated even more as a result to continue our mission to educate the public. In 2015, we were very honored to be included in Trip Advisor’s Hall of Fame – a rare award given to a Museum with a 5-Star rating on Trip Advisor for five consecutive years.

    Are Both The Memorial And The Museum Free

    9/11 Memorial &  Museum

    The memorial is completely free, but you must pay to visit the museum. Currently, tickets range from $15-$24. However, you can get free admission to the museum every Tuesday evening from 5 p.m. to two hours prior to closing with ticket distribution beginning at 4 p.m. Limited quantities of these tickets are available, and no more than four tickets are allowed per person. Free admission is always granted to family members of 9/11 victims, first responders, and recovery workers.

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    What To See At The 9/11 Memorial

    When you enter the memorial the very first thing you will notice are two memorial pools. Placed in the footprints of the North and South Tower, the cascade of water that pours from the rim creates a peaceful atmosphere.

    This is one of the highlights of our guided tour of Ground Zero, and its truly a moving sight to behold. Titled Reflecting Absence, the pools were designed by architect Michael Arad after winning an international design competition with over 5,000 entries. Youll notice that no matter where you stand, the bottom center of the pool cannot be seen. This is meant to symbolize the unending impact of loss.

    Between the two pools is the entrance and top floor of the 9/11 Museum most of which is underground. Surrounding the memorial is a series of skyscrapers that now make up the World Trade Center. The tallest building is Tower One, otherwise known as the Freedom Tower. The top of this building is home to One World Observatory with beautiful views of New York Harbor and downtown Manhattan. Its a great place to stop before or after your visit to the memorial.

    Walking around the memorial youll notice a few other symbolic components. Next to the South Pool is the Survivor Tree, one of the only living things found in the rubble of Ground Zero.

    Continuing south, look up for the remnants of The Sphere. This sculpture was originally the centerpiece of the World Trade Center Plaza and is displayed exactly as it was found in the remains of the Twin Towers.

    New York Fire Department Ladder Company 3

    One of the largest displays of wreckage included the New York Fire Department Ladder Company 3 fire truck. This truck was based in the East Village neighborhood and was one of the first dispatched to the World Trade Center which parked on West Street, near Vesey Street.

    At the time of the building collapse, the front part of the truck was parked underneath a pedestrian walkway which collapsed on top of the front end of the fire truck when the towers fell.

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    One World Trade Center And Other Wtc Buildings

    One World Trade Center, nicknamed the Freedom Tower is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere and, as of 2016, is the 6th tallest in the world.

    Its no coincidence that its height is 1,776 feet.

    That number has great significance in American history as it was the year America declared its independence from Great Britain.

    The Observatory on the 100th and 101st floors is open and is quite an amazing experience. For information on visiting click on this link: One World Observatory .

    Floors 1-19 is the base of the building with a 65-foot-high public lobby.

    Rented office space begins on the 20th Floor and continues to the 64th Floor.

    On Floor 65 is a sky lobby and then office floors resume on Floor 65 to Floor 90. Floors 9199 and 103104 are mechanical floors.

    2 World Trade Center is – after 15 years – still not complete due to many delays in design. The currently agreed upon design is a 90-story tower standing 1,270 feet tall encompassing 2.8 million square feet.

    3 World Trade Center is near completion and will be 80 stories tall rising to 1,079 feet.

    The completed and opened 4 World Trade Center is a light, ephemeral vision, facing directly onto the World Trade Center Memorial Plaza.

    Rising 977 feet, by Maki and Associates, the 72-story tower is intended to assume a quiet but dignified presence at the site.

    7 World Trade Center was completed in 2006 and was the first tower rebuilt after the attacks.


    /11 Memorial Excludes First Responders Survivors On 20th Anniversary

    9/11 Museum in NYC reopens to public

    To be fair, the museum alone is not to blame for this failure. The 20th anniversary date has been no secret for twenty years. And yet Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio planned nothing to make the 2021 commemoration special. The attacks toll has been lost in their hearts and minds to the politics and phony science of the current crisis.

    Despite the museums very real budget crunch, the catastrophes 20th anniversary should not be allowed to become a shadow of its past commemorations.

    Our finest minds in politics, philanthropy and the arts have less than a month to come up with something fresh. They need to get down to work now.

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    The 911 Memorial And Museum

    From almost the moment the towers collapsed there was a common resolve not only to rebuild the World Trade Center, but also to create a suitable memorial to the almost 3,000 people who died on that day. Considered sacred ground the reconstruction would take place at a nearby site and the original footprints of the two towers be preserved, which they have been as memorial fountains with the names of all those killed in the 911 attacks as well as the six killed in the 1993 bombing.

    This is a section bearing the names of some of those killed at the Pentagon.

    This is an aerial view of the site giving a better idea of the overall plan of the memorial.

    The memorial fountains were opened on the tenth anniversary of the attack on September 11, 2011.

    An additional part of the memorial is the 911 Museum which opened in May 2014 and for most visitors will constitute most of the time they spend on site. I dont think it matters much if you visit the museum before or after visiting the fountains, but make sure to take in both.

    The National September 11 Memorial Museum

    The memorial grounds are open grounds for all to visit. The memorial gardens cover a city block of the original World Trade Center with trees and grassed areas surrounding the large pools where the footprints of the towering buildings once stood. Well maintained and preserved, the area is a fitting tribute to the nearly three thousand lives lost.

    Etched into the square edges of the memorial pools are the names of the lives that were lost from the September 11 attacks, plus the underground car-park bombing on 26 February, 1993 where 6 people lost their lives and over 1,000 were injured.

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    Th Century The American Revolution And Statehood

    The were organized in during the 1760s, largely in response to the oppressive passed by the in 1765. The met in the city on October 19 of that year, composed of representatives from across the who set the stage for the to follow. The Stamp Act Congress resulted in the , which was the first written expression by representatives of the Americans of many of the rights and complaints later expressed in the . This included the right to . At the same time, given strong commercial, personal and sentimental links to , many New York residents were . The provided the necessary to force a withdrawal from the in 1775.

    New York was the only colony , as the delegates were not authorized to do so. New York then endorsed the on July 9, 1776. The was framed by a which assembled at on July 10, 1776, and after repeated adjournments and changes of location, finished its work at on Sunday evening, April 20, 1777, when the drafted by was adopted with but one dissenting vote. It was not submitted to the people for ratification. On July 30, 1777, was inaugurated as the first at Kingston.

    Both the Dutch and the British imported African slaves as laborers to the city and colony New York had the second-highest population of slaves after Charleston, South Carolina. Slavery was extensive in New York City and some agricultural areas. The state passed a law for the gradual soon after the Revolutionary War, but the last slave in New York was not freed until 1827.

    /11 Memorial Tour With Optional One World Observatory Entry

    9/11 Memorial &  Museum

    Pay your respects to the heroes of 9/11 with a visit to St. Paul’s Chapel, where emergency rescue centers were set up immediately after the September 11 attacks. Pause to reflect at the 9/11 Memorial Pools, built on the site of the former World Trade Center and see the names of the 2,983 men, women and children killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. Learn about Freedom Tower at the heart of the rebuilt complex.Then, skip the ticket lines to the One World Observatory and take the Sky Pod elevator to the 102nd floor in 60 seconds. Get breathtaking views of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Empire State Building and more.

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    My Experience At The Memorial

    There is so much significance to both the memorial and museum in light of the impact the tragedy has had. But I think what makes the memorial so exceptional is that it turns a universal event into an extremely personal encounter.

    Everything about the memorial is meant to be experienced. The water under the parapets is meant to be touched, a natural substance and the simplest representation of life.

    My favorite part of the memorial, the Survivor Tree, isnt solely a symbol for New York City it supports many other cities as part of the seedling program. Every year, this program allows for the donation of seedlings from the tree to three communities that have endured tragedy in recent years. Its a beautiful message of comfort and resilience.

    How Is The 9/11 Museum Different From The 9/11 Tribute Museum

    To put it simply, the 9/11 Museum located on the memorial site is the official museum. The 9/11 Tribute Museum is run by the September 11 Families Association and focuses more on the personal experiences of those impacted by the attacks.

    Both are informative and compelling, but if you have to choose one, I would recommend you spend your time at the 9/11 Museum.

    Guide tip: Make sure you get the right ticket. While the 9/11 Tribute Museum is a quality exhibit, many guests will buy a package deal for One World Observatory and the Tribute Museum thinking that they are getting tickets to the museum inside the memorial and end up disappointed. If you choose a combo ticket instead of going with a tour, make sure you read the information carefully to ensure you know what you are buying.

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    Nyc: Statue Of Liberty Tour With 9/11 Memorial Museum Ticket

    Enjoy a tour of New York’s hotspots all in one day. Explore the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, and learn about their history and impact on the city from a local guide.Board a ferry and cross the New York Harbor to the Statue of Liberty. Take a self-guided audio tour with the provided headsets. Then, head to Ellis Island to learn about the immigrant experience at the Museum. About 40% of current US citizens can trace their ancestors to Ellis Island, see if you can too.Next, take the ferry back to the mainland and visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. These honor all those who lost their lives in the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001, and February 26, 1993.See the 9/11 Museum with its over 10,000 artifacts. Learn how the events of that day impacted the world, and download and listen to the ‘Witnessing History Tour” as you tour the exhibits. Explore the exhibition detailing “The Hunt for Bin Laden”.

    National Parks Monuments And Historic Landmarks

    9/11 Museum in New York City – World Trade Centre

    New York State is well represented in the with 22 , which received 16,349,381 visitors in 2011. In addition, there are four , 27 , 262 , and 5,379 listings on the . Some major areas, landmarks, and monuments are listed below.

    • The includes and the . The statue, designed by and formally named Liberty Enlightening the World, was a gift from to the United States to mark the Centennial of the it was dedicated in New York Harbor on October 28, 1886. It has since become an icon of the United States and the concepts of democracy and freedom.
    • The in is the only national monument dedicated to Americans of African ancestry. It preserves a site containing the remains of more than 400 buried during the late 17th and 18th centuries in a portion of what was the largest colonial-era cemetery for people of African descent, both free and enslaved, with an estimated tens of thousands of remains interred. The site’s excavation and study were called “the most important historic urban archeological project in the United States”.

    Cities and towns

    Sources: 19102020

    According to statistics, the state is a leading recipient of migrants from around the globe. In 2008 New York had the second-largest international immigrant population in the country among U.S. states, at 4.2 million most reside in and around New York City, due to its size, high profile, vibrant economy, and culture. New York has a pro- law.

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